What Is The Income Limit For Child Care Assistance In Kentucky. In general, families with incomes below 200% of the state income standard (sis) or about $39,580 for a family of three may qualify for assistance. This includes both earned income (the money you make from jobs) and unearned income (cash assistance, social security, unemployment insurance, and child support, etc.).
Low income energy assistance program. The calculator is a quick and easy way to find out if you might be eligible for child care assistance benefits. Generally, the applicant’s income must fall 133 percent below fpl.
This program helps families with the cost of child care so that they are able to focus on finding and holding steady work that can support their family's needs.
This means to satisfy medicaid benefits eligibility, an applicant’s household must fall below the federal poverty level (fpl). Low income energy assistance program. The asset limit remains $2,000 for a single applicant, but is $3,000 for a couple. Eligibility is based on family’s income and reasons for needing child care.