Should College Education Be Free Argumentative Essay. People have to put off college to get the money they need, but by the time that time it may be too late and they may decide not to go. A college education should not be free to everyone.
Right here, you may come up with the problem of how to start a college essay. In conclusion, a college education should be free because of students majoring in a topic they enjoy, economic and social benefits, and equality every student deserves as well as accessibility to the college. Education in america is a huge part of our lives and it will determine a lot in our futures, but there is one problem;
Free education would also allow students to not pay off debts and can live a better life since it is a problem in the united states that the student debt is so expensive that it will take not only just a lot of time but jobs in order to pay them off, worst case scenario is that the debts aren’t paid and the students can be sent to jail or homeless.
Education in america is a huge part of our lives and it will determine a lot in our futures, but there is one problem; College education should be free and supported by governments for many reasons. Firstly, college should be granted to students freely because it will encourage them to concentrate on their educations. Heated discussion on the topic is still going on and many suggestions also have been promoted….