Ptcb Practice Test 2018 Free. A score of 28 out of 40 or above is a passing grade. Pass your pharmacy technician certification exam with our comprehensive practice tests and flashcards.
Ptcb top 200 drugs quiz: Our free ptcb practice test allows you to learn quickly for your pharmacy technician exam. In study mode, the exam will not be timed and you will see the answer and explanation.
Below, you can practice a sample of these questions with our free ptcb practice tests.
Below, you can practice a sample of these questions with our free ptcb practice tests. The cost in 2019 to take the ptcb exam is $129, and the test is available year round at pearson vue testing centers, which are located in all major cities throughout the country. Use our free ptcb practice tests (updated for 2021!) to study for your upcoming pharmacy technician exam. I get to work with an amazing group of people and i play an integral role in making sure the pharmacy runs smoothly.