Pet Delivery Service Scams. Scammers and criminals will say anything to grab your attention. If the scammer claims that the pet is overseas, they will use a “pet delivery” company like these.
Beware of the adopt a pet scam! Scammers are now transporting pets from eastern europe to western europe using false/illegal microchips. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
The following list are items that should raise a red flag about the legitimacy of a pet shipment and you should do further research before making payment.
Most people reading this will already know that they are involved in a deal that is “to good to be true” or that they “knew it might be a scam but they were not quiet sure”. Oklahoma pet delivery services staff are well trained and prepared to assist with the challenges involved in transporting animals domestically. is a fake delivery company. Typical animal scams involve promising delivery of an animal — such as a puppy, kitten, parrot or monkey — using animalcouriers as the designated transporter, and asking you to pay the transport costs upfront.