New Sod Care After Winter. After the sod has fully rooted (approximately 3 weeks), regular mowing can commence. Avoid aerating your lawn until fall or next spring when the lawn is fully established to avoid pulling up the rolls of sod that are not yet rooted.
People usually avoid fertilizing the lawns in october. If you see snow mold, rake the lawn to loosen matted grass and allow the grass to dry out. New sod is more vulnerable to diseases, being wet for long periods of time can encourage this.
Take care not to walk or run on new sod, as this can prevent the fragile young roots from developing properly.
The ideal waiting time is about one month after you have laid the sod even if you do it in any other season. In the beginning, apply 1 ⁄ 2 inch (1.3 cm) of water. If you see snow mold, rake the lawn to loosen matted grass and allow the grass to dry out. When can i mow my sod lawn?