Id Scanner App Download. With the id scanner app you can use the camera on your ipod, iphone or ipad to scan the 2d barcode of any government issued id. Parse out just the data you need and add properties like timestamps and gps locations.
Best of all, you can create unlimited tags and share tagged individuals across. To use the free app, simply download the app from the online store. Open and installed app,then signup/login with your phone number and verify your account with otp.
Use your personal devices to store important documents.
Each digital id displays a barcode that can be scanned using a 2d barcode scanner or a barcode scanner app, such as codereadr. Download this free scanner app and scan docs to pdf with your iphone, ipad or android. Each digital id displays a barcode that can be scanned using a 2d barcode scanner or a barcode scanner app, such as codereadr. Account administrators would create a database of students, employees or members on in order to scan and validate any issued digital id cards.