How To Use Oracle Cards On Yourself. People use these cards to predict future events, understand their. When asking, make your question open ended, not in the form of yes or no.
If you’ve never used oracle cards before and would like some guidance, we’ll give you some insight in how to get the most out of them. Using the cards in this way gives you a focus for the day and tells you what the universe wants you to know that day. Just take a moment to disconnect from everything else.
Learn to use angel & oracle cards for yourself & others learn to receive guidance from your angels, guides, and loved ones in the spirit world through the use of angel or oracle cards.
Bring your light into the deck and allow it to be filled with light and good will. One of the most common ways to use oracle decks, especially for complete divination beginners, is a one card pull. People use these cards to predict future events, understand their. It's happening for you, not to.