How To Transfer Eipcard To Bank Of America Account. You need to have the routing number and account number of the bank account you wish to transfer into for you to complete the transaction. Easiest way to wire money online.
Ach payments have been around for over forty years, and were developed with the intention of being faster, safer, and more efficient than the use of paper checks to transfer funds. You need to have the routing number and account number of the bank account you wish to transfer into for you to complete the transaction. Be sure you have activated your eip card before attempting to transfer funds.
Can i transfer funds from my eip card to my bank account?
Transfers require enrollment in the service and must be made from an eligible bank of america consumer or business deposit account to a domestic bank account or consumer debit card. You can use your eip card to make purchases where visa ® debit is accepted — in stores, online or by phone. Easiest way to wire money online. Recipients have 14 days to enroll to receive money or the transfer will be canceled.