How To Sell Life Insurance Policy To Customers. You can accomplish this two ways. Insurance sales may be the ultimate commission gig, with its practitioners fully dependent on their customers' premium payments.
Payouts are significantly lower than the death benefit and come with taxes and fees. You can do this on your own or use a life settlement broker to find offers to purchase your policy. Selling life insurance can be a difficult job when you have clients.
You can do this on your own or use a life settlement broker to find offers to purchase your policy.
Selling life insurance can be a difficult job when you have clients. In order to sell a life insurance policy, you must find a buyer. Well here are two ways you can begin to market life insurance right now to existing clients without breaking the bank. Insurance companies usually accept a surrender of a whole life insurance policy and remit the cash surrender value to the policy owner after the reduction of any charges that may be required.