How To Sell Life Insurance From Home. One thing that has not yet been discussed in this article is that many people who sell life insurance from home are focused on selling term life insurance. For life insurance, it’s often helpful to detail how a family of a prospect could be left in a difficult financial position if he were to die today without coverage.
To take these calls, you must have a valid license to sell life & health insurance in your home state, plus hold a valid life & health insurance license in at least 2 other states. Typically, there’s two ways you can sell life insurance from home: Prepare for the logistics of selling insurance from home.
For over 20 years, we have successfully assisted hundreds of policy owners in the marketing and sale of their unwanted or unneeded life insurance policies.
One thing that has not yet been discussed in this article is that many people who sell life insurance from home are focused on selling term life insurance. Selling life insurance is part of a regulated industry. Life insurance sales can add up to passive income, as once you sell a policy, you continue to earn a commission on it, providing the owner of the policy pays his. At first like retail, customer service, and similar lines of work with high attrition rates, insurance sales typically don't pay all that well at the onset.