How To Sell Insurance Online. Although cold calling is a classic sales method, it's extremely time consuming, often with few worthwhile results. Compulife (r) software has a low cost plugin you can add to your website that provides instant online life insurance quotes.
Auto insurance protects drivers from the financial impacts of causing or being involved in a car accident. (b) save & publish the checkout page Here are 6 key learning points that insurance brokers who want to sell online can use to ensure that they are offering the best experience to their potential customers.
Keep the quote form simple and only ask relevant questions
Online sales training was not available at the time. Therefore, in the event financial constraints make it impossible to honor the regular premiums, remember that you have the option to sell the policy in a life settlement or viatical, rather than allowing the. Selling auto insurance requires a property & casualty license. It’s great to have dreams of a nice house, nice cars, a better way of life.