How To Pull A Tooth Out Adults At Home Without Pain. You may run into an issue with the string coming off or the tooth being a little stubborn. You should also gently brush the loose tooth and the areas around it, as this will help to push food particles out of the way and remove bacteria.
The only other way to completely avoid feeling any pain at all is to visit the dentist, where you can receive an anaesthetic that will make the affected area numb, while the tooth is removed. Dentists strongly recommend not to torture yourself and find a way to visit the dentist. Wiggle it more than a little bit.
Freezing temperature creates less pain and discomfort during the actual tooth removal.
Do not attempt to pull an adult tooth on your own. If you have a loose permanent tooth or teeth you need to see your dentist as soon as possible. Take your extraction forceps and grasp the tooth as far down the root as possible. Pull the tooth out by hand.