How To Move A Treadmill Through A Door. Though every nordictrack treadmill machine that is foldable does so with a sought of locking mechanism, the different models unfold differently. While doing this, you should be careful to avoid hurting yourself, and more importantly, don’t move the treadmill on an uneven surface.
If you’re unfolding your nordictrack treadmill for the first time, the guide below will help you do it easily. You could try calling and asking the vendor or shipping company. Once it's in place, position one foot against one of the wheels again.
Grasp the treadmill frame with your other hand.
Wheel the treadmill carefully to its new position. First, i separated the top pedestal from the base frame and made sure to take care with the communications cable not to pinch or damage it. No matter what type of treadmill you’re moving, always set the treadmill’s incline to zero, remove the safety key and then unplug the machine before you begin the moving process. Hallways, door frames, and stairs may pose a significant challenge when it comes to getting the treadmill out of the building.