How To Know If You Need Braces Or Not. Difficulty flossing between and brushing around crooked teeth At first, it's best to only eat soft foods like pudding, applesauce, bananas, mashed potatoes, etc.
A small gap may be fixed by a retainer or band therapy, where a large gap may require braces. Symptoms that can indicate you need braces include: Thread it carefully under the main wire before flossing gently between a pair of teeth.
It is becoming increasingly common for adults to be fitted with braces.
Some people have been known to put them on to align their teeth. This quiz will give you pretty accurate results on whether or not you should be getting braces. You've always wondered but have been too afraid to ask your parents or dentist. You need to learn how to properly clean and take care of your invisalign aligners, and follow all of your dental professional’s instructions for completing the treatment.