How To Get Rid Of Muskrats In A Lake. In some areas, it may also eat clams, mussels, snails, crayfish, small fish and frogs. The use of live traps, body grips, and colony traps are the best way to get rid of muskrats from your river, lake, stream or pond.
Fencing is a way to keep out a new colony of muskrats after you’ve removed the old one. They can also relocate or euthanize (if. Their diet is a vegetation composed of cattails, water lilies, sedges, and pond weeds, then you may want to get rid of these with a pond clean out.
Muskrats are in your pond because of a food source.
One riparian summarized the potential damage well: That’s why it’s best to avoid using poison as a way to get rid of muskrats. The trolling motor is ruined and both transducer cables were chewed through. The best baits include bird seed and apples.