How To Get Insurance To Pay For A New Roof. Getting to know your insurance agent will put you on the level with them when disaster strikes so you can have a friend to call on instead of a stranger. When it comes to asking homeowner insurance to cover roofing damages from a storm, most homeowners get the short end of the stick in terms of quality, often without even realizing what is going on.
However, there are situations when you will not be reimbursed for the cost of your new roof. How do i get insurance to pay for a new roof to keep it simple, the answer involves a combination of information, preparation, documentation and hiring a professional roofer to work on your behalf. File a timely insurance claim.
Did your roof get damaged during a recent storm?
Repair coverage usually takes into consideration depreciation of the roof. Take pictures and document details. Once you and your agent have decided to file a claim, submit all relevant documentation — photos of the roof prior to damage, photos of current damage, estimates, and news articles related to the damaging incident (if applicable). Be sure to ask for references and examples of previous work experience when you are selecting your contractor if you don’t already have one;