How To Get A Possession Charge Dropped. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor drug crime in charlotte, do not assume you are guilty. If your police officer is unable or does not wish to appear in court, you may be able to get your charges dropped.
If you’ve been charged with drug possession, a henderson drug possession lawyer can work to get your charges dropped. If you are facing criminal charges we understand that it is an overwhelmingly stressful time. Your best offer from the da (the lawyer who prosecutes you for the state or county and comes up with your charges) will probably be to plea guilty to an equal or lesser charge and then do a pile of community service and substance abuse classes and then they commute your sentence down to something like a misdemeanor and 3 years informal probation
If you need an experienced defense lawyer, contact the law offices of kretzer and volberding p.c.
How can i get my possession of stolen property charges dropped? Discovery does not always get to the defense quickly. In the meantime, learn how to get drug possession charges dropped if you’re currently facing them. There are many potential ways to get your charges dropped.