How To Fix A Crossbite In Adults. Can veneers fix a crossbite? How is a crossbite treated?
You may have a crossbite. This guide will give a comprehensive overview of treating crossbite with invisalign as well as some alternative clear aligner options if invisalign isn’t right for you. If you have a stable bite and are looking to change the shape and color of your teeth, veneers might be an option.
Orthodontists can treat both children and adults.
As a treatment by itself or after palatal expansion, braces straighten and fix the upper and lower teeth to achieve an aligned bite. In severe cases of crossbite in adults, where braces and expanders are not sufficient in order to fix, crossbite the lower jaw is adjusted forward, and the upper jaw is adjusted backward surgically. This is in fact one of the most common treatment options to correct a crossbite. Rather than a proper bite, where the top teeth fit snugly.