How To Euthanasia A Cat With Over The Counter Drugs. In dogs and cats, these drugs can cause digestive tract ulcers, leading to diarrhea, belly pain, and bleeding. Over the past 40 years and 17 generations of dogs and, cats we are seeing tremendous increases in chronic ill health in our pets that was rare back in the early 1960's.
In other words, it will make you feel drowsy. It is a kindness, not a cruelty. The way vets usually euthanize pets is the most humane one:
Er, uh, it should be considered inhumane for any purpose!
You haven't acquired that skill (i assume). We all want what is best for our cats and don’t want to see them in pain. The euthanasia will slowly kill the dog. And even if you could buy them, you wouldn't want to administer them because intravenous injections need skill.