How To Ease Wisdom Tooth Pain Before Surgery. For the first several hours after wisdom tooth surgery, plan to apply a cold compress on that side of your face for 20 minutes, then off for 20 minutes, repeating the cycle to keep swelling at bay. Repeat as necessary throughout the day.
To ease any pain or discomfort, place the fingers just in front of the ears’ opening, and give the area a gentle massage [2]. The sucking motion could dislodge the blood clot. Depending on the complexity of the case, a surgical tooth extraction could last longer than you expect.
The cooler temperature will reduce the extent of inflammation after surgery, naturally easing.
Don’t smoke, it can interfere with healing; The anesthetic numbs your mouth, so you don’t feel the incision (if applicable) or the ligaments being loosened. If you prefer to use a natural wisdom tooth pain remedy, clove oil and salt water are both effective. Don’t smoke, it can interfere with healing;