How To Check Superheat 410a. The difference between the two is superheat. With short line lengths (less than 30 ft.), the superheat should be between 10f and 15f.
Since suction line lengths can vary, so too can the superheat measured at the condensing unit. Using wet bulb return air temperature the wet bulb return air temperature method is the most accurate superheat method Not just ice water, must be 32f).
Detach your txv's sensing bulb and submerse completely into crushed ice.
Bryant/carrier 410a systems with a txv have a subcooling of 8 to 16. Detach your txv's sensing bulb and submerse completely into crushed ice. This is done with a manifold gauge set with the blue, low pressure gauge and hose. To calculate the amount of extra refrigerant (in ounces) needed for a line set over 15 feet, multiply the additional length of line set by 0.6 ounces.