How To Be More Masculine Man. This is being masculine on the outside. Dress like a man and groom yourself;
If, on the other hand, you want to see immediate results, you should aim for plastic surgery. There are mental aspects as well, like responsibility and discipline, but the physical difference is what actually makes us different. The more you feed yourself with dumb substances, the more you are attached to them.
For you to be more masculine and stronger, you need to panic less, most especially at the littlest things—this is not a good look, neither is it a manly thing to do.
Especially if he is a high value masculine man, he may want less of your solutions and more of other types of feminine gifts. Believing in yourself when others doubt you, but still welcome their doubting; With that said, there are some actions that are masculine most of the time. From a young age, we are told to be quiet, sit still, follow the rules, listen to mommy, obey the teacher and avoid any display of aggression, talking back or acts of “masculinity”.