How To Be Eligible For Second Stimulus Check. The second round of checks will have the same type of income phaseouts as in the cares act, with the stimulus check payments reduced for earnings above. International students may be eligible for the second stimulus cheque if they meet certain requirements.
Those with qualifying children on their 2019 tax return received up to $600 in additional payment per qualifying child. The maximum amount for this second round of stimulus checks is $600 for any eligible individual or $1,200 per eligible couple who file taxes jointly. For a family of four, that would include $600 for each eligible dependent, or $2,400 in total.
The second round of checks will have the same type of income phaseouts as in the cares act, with the stimulus check payments reduced for earnings above.
Will dependents get the second stimulus check? Who is eligible for the second round of stimulus checks? The spouse with a social security number and any children with social security numbers or adoption taxpayer identification number (atin) can. Those with qualifying children on their 2019 tax return received up to $600 in additional payment per qualifying child.