How To Apply For Free Vpk In Florida

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How To Apply For Free Vpk In Florida. To be eligible, children must live in florida and be 4 years old on or before sept. 1, your child is eligible to participate in florida's free voluntary prekindergarten (vpk) education program.

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To be eligible, children must live in florida and be 4 years old on or before sept. To be eligible for vpk, you must submit an application. Apply now during open enrollment on the school website.

Proof your child turns 4 years of age by september 1 (e.g.

Apply now during open enrollment on the school website. The state of florida will pay for 540 hours of preschool time during the school year and up to 300 hours during the summer month. To be eligible, children must live in florida and be 4 years old on or before sept. To apply for voluntary prekindergarten, please visit the florida’s early learning portal.