How Often Need To Clean Septic Tank. However, how frequently you clean out your septic tank depend on usage and the number of people living in your household. When main municipal sewer lines cannot connect to the property, often in rural areas, a septic tank is what they need to collect all the sewage and water waste from the house.
As a general rule of thumb, the pennsylvania septage management association (psma), in combination with penn state university, recommends that you have a certified pumper clean your septic tank every 2 to 3 years. The average recommendation is every three years for a typical family home with three bedrooms equipped with a 1000 gallon tank. However, like i mentioned, there are other factors that come into play.
We wanted to take a minute to tell you what you need to know about septic tank cleaning—and how to keep from putting your family’s and the environment’s health at risk.
When should a septic tank be emptied? If your drains are blocked and there is an unpleasant odor, chances are your septic tank is in need of cleaning. The size of your family, tank size, whether or not you have a garbage disposal, and climate are a few factors that will influence the service interval. The size of the septic tank is one of the biggest factors in determining the frequency of pumping and cleaning.