How Long To Wear Retainers Per Day. After the first 6 weeks of full time wear, it is recommended to continue night time wear pretty much indefinately. Put your removable retainer in every night to prevent shifting.
Almost all orthodontists prefer to prescribe removable retainers after treatment with braces is complete. Everyone has a slightly different experience with their orthodontic treatments, and aftercare retainers are no different. After this point, most patients can cease wearing the retainer during the day.
How long do i wear my retainers?
Put your removable retainer in every night to prevent shifting. On average, the initial stage of a patient’s retention process involved wearing their appliances for 16 hours per day (the range was from 2 to 24 hours), 7 days a week. Laster will also provide you with specific instructions on how long to wear it and when. Most patients are instructed to wear clear retainers full time for a couple of months, and then followed by night time wear after that.