How Long Does It Take To Get Used To Multifocal Contacts. And also, you have a chance to get the discount. It does take time for most patients’ eyes to adjust to multifocal contacts.
It does take time for most patients’ eyes to adjust to multifocal contacts. Well, generally, it will take about one week to adjust them, so you do not need to worry about it. Should contacts be blurry at first?
You are also a good candidate for multifocal lenses if your distance vision correction does not exceed 1 diopter for astigmatism.
A four to six week wearing period is the time it may take for adjustment. The average person can only tolerate a limited amount of difference between the two eyes. Your eye doctor will have you sit for a contact lens fitting during your comprehensive eye exam, and should be able to answer any questions you have about multifocal contacts. Unlike soft lenses, to achieve maximum comfort with gas permeable contacts, you need to wear them regularly (though not necessarily every day).