How Long Does It Take To Do A Background Check For An Apartment. Typically, rental background and credit checks are returned within minutes. Their income and credit check will be considered, so the guarantor needs to be someone who would qualify for the apartment as well.
However, there are a few factors that can make the turnaround times longer, or delay a job candidate from hearing about the results. A criminal record is reportable for up to 7 years under the rules of the fcra. You should obtain your free report, fix any errors, and have the company that supplied the.
But often times, these types of tenants are few and far between.
How long does a tenant background check take? You should be provided with a credit score as part of the screening process, so you can see how financially responsible the tenant is. This is pretty consistent across the country, although we've heard of landlords taking as long as two weeks to get back to potential tenants. You need a thorough background check, but you also need one that gives you the information you need at your fingertips quickly.