How Long Do You Have To Wear A Retainer At Night. With this new phase, it may be that your retainers just need to be worn at night (like while you sleep). However, this is likely to be reduced after a few months, at which time you may need only to wear it at night.
To determine exactly how long the retainer must be used, it is important to schedule follow up visits with your orthodontic specialist. Some retainer wearers are able to alternate nights when they wear. You’ll remove it for meals, drinking anything but water, and to brush your teeth and clean the retainer.
Wearing your retainer every night could potentially protect your teeth in more than one way.
Even with a bonded wire, you must wear your essix or hawley every night for the first year. Wearing your retainer at night is an easy way to make sure your teeth don’t shift, therefore you should continue to wear your retainer at night. Do you have to wear your retainer. At first, your dentist will probably want you to comply with these instructions 7 days a week.