How Long Do You Have To Pay Alimony In Illinois. Some states put a limit on the duration of “permanent” alimony, prohibiting alimony awards lasting longer than 10 years. Alimony in such cases may be similar to a 20 year marriage or may be cut off at the halfway duration of.
The court, in its discretion, shall order maintenance for a period equal to the length of the marriage or for an indefinite term. Lowest monthly payment for alimony. Durational alimony is granted when permanent alimony is improper and only lasts for a specific period of time.
The court will likely allow somewhere between three and seven years of alimony payments in the scenario above.
However, the judge may give your spouse a divorce by default because the case will go on without you. In the scenario above, wife has the ability earn at the rate of a professional. The court, in its discretion, shall order maintenance for a period equal to the length of the marriage or for an indefinite term. 80% of the duration of the marriage.