How Long Do It Take To Be A Phlebotomist. Depending on the school and training program you choose and which certifications you apply for, becoming a phlebotomist will take anywhere from four months to a year and a half. Phlebotomists are medical professionals working within health care settings.
Though if you decide to obtain an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree, it will take two and four years, respectively. How long do you have to go to school to be a phlebotomist? How long is phlebotomy school?
It can last from twelve weeks to a year.
They are responsible for collecting blood samples, for either testing or transfusions, via venipuncture, the technical term for the act of drawing phlebotomy is a highly skilled science, individuals wishing to become certified phlebotomists must undergo a certain amount of rigorous training. Second, have a great bedside manner. Phlebotomy is one of the easiest medical fields to enter as it generally takes a year or less. How long is phlebotomy school?