How Can I Get Out Of A Lease In Texas. If that still doesn’t work, then you should contact an attorney or some legal resource to see what you should do. There are some important exceptions to the blanket rule that a tenant who breaks a lease owes the rent for the entire lease term.
The rental unit is unsafe. In general, tenants who were sexually assaulted or stalked on the leased premises (or any dwelling on the leased premises) must give their landlord notice that they are breaking their leases within 6 months of the offense. All in all, if you are planning on selling the house soon, consider a buyout first.
This way your name will stay on the lease, but you will not be forced to pay for the entirety of each month’s rent.
You’re in the military and called to active duty. If you decide to terminate the lease, you must inform the landlord in your second written notice that you will terminate the lease. Inform the copier leasing company. This way your name will stay on the lease, but you will not be forced to pay for the entirety of each month’s rent.