Get To Know You Games For Kids On Zoom. Logo quiz is a fun game which can be played with older students. Some examples could be a teddy bear, sunglasses, keys, a red book, something soft, or anything else most people have in their house.
These games may include bingo, charades and werewolf. Luckily we have video conferencing apps like zoom, which enable kids to interact with each other. Work on a simple routine to a popular song and teach it to the kids.
First, ask students to hold up five fingers.
Get a zoom account that works for you one step in the party planning is deciding how long you want the call to go on for. Another fun ‘get to know you’ game is human bingo! Standing or sitting in a circle, students throw or roll the ball to someone else in the circle. Some examples could be a teddy bear, sunglasses, keys, a red book, something soft, or anything else most people have in their house.