German Wirehaired Pointer Puppies For Sale Nz. Males / females available 3 weeks old. He is a good worker (working on grouse, deer, pheasant) a
The current median price for all german shorthaired pointers sold is $875.00. Males / females available 3 weeks old. $1,000.00 [ click for details] trained german wirehaird pointers.
Today, the german wirehaired pointer is one of the most popular dogs in germany, where it is known as the drahthaar.
Uk bred german shorthaired pointers, from world famous isara kurzhaar kennels,brought with us when we emigrated including nz ch isara kurzhaar backbencher at ponsonby ,szaba, and nz ch isara kurzhaar invaluable for ponsonby, lotte. Nz german shorthaired pointer rescue charitable trust also gsp rescue. German wirehaired pointer by kae cheatham. When translated to english drahthaar means wirehair, the word pointer is added as an addition but not used in germany to describe the breed.german wirehaired pointer is the english term.