Free Piano Removal Near Me. Open the piano lid and key cover to see inside the piano. You’ve enjoyed hours of lovely music from it, but if it’s now old and broken, what…
Merriam pianos removes and disposes pianos hassle free throughout the year. Whether it was inherited, left behind by a previous tenant or landlord, it can cause headaches and become an eye sore, as well as take up valuable space. It’s also worth calling your local thrift stores, schools, theaters or youth organizations to see if they would accept a free piano.
Local people may be willing to take it off your hands or even pick it up.
The parts of your piano that can usually be recycled include wood, steel wire, cast iron, and screws. It doesn’t matter where the piano is. If you’re ready today, you can even book online! Include name, collection address & best contact number, and an overall photograph of the front of the piano, a photograph of the keys, a photograph.