F1 Labradoodle Puppies For Sale Near Me. Mom weights 50lbs and dad 35lbs, puppies are expected to grow 35 to 45 lbs, mom and dad have been tested for over 157 genetics diseases, all came out clear, mom is f1 labradoodle and dad akc poodle, puppies will come vet checked, age appropriate vaccinated, dewormed at 2,4,6,8 weeks, microchip, bag of food. She is a lovely girl with lots.
Our dog breeder directory is the ultimate source of listings for breeders in the united kingdom. Find labradoodle dogs and puppies from nebraska breeders. Mom weights 50lbs and dad 35lbs, puppies are expected to grow 35 to 45 lbs, mom and dad have been tested for over 157 genetics diseases, all came out clear, mom is f1 labradoodle and dad akc poodle, puppies will come vet checked, age appropriate vaccinated, dewormed at 2,4,6,8 weeks, microchip, bag of food.
We had a litter of eight.
Check out our training page. One of the benefits of crossing two different breeds is to minimize the health issues that are associated with each breed. Mom is a standard poodle, dad is a f1 labradoodle. “f2” is the result of breeding two labradoodles.