European Doberman Puppies For Sale In California. We have 2 black males, 2 black females and 1 red female. After they are cropped, we keep them for another 14 days to care for and remove the stitches.
After they are cropped, we keep them for another 14 days to care for and remove the stitches. Tails docked, dew claws removed on 3/17/21. Up to date on shots and dewormings.
Up to date on shots and dewormings.
All puppies are very well socialized, as they are raised by our family, including our four daughters. If you’re looking for a doberman breeders california , call new england dobermans today at 781.353.1333 and learn more about our doberman puppies and breeding philosophy! Our european dobermans are bred from champion bloodlines. European doberman puppies for sale.