Cheap Puppy Ear Cropping Near Me. He said he has done a doberman who lives in a town near by, so he said he would contact them to see if they will let me see their dobe. In fact, you can actually get your dog’s ears cropped at any age if you really want to.
Type in your zipcode to find ear cropping near you. I have always gotten great service and have never been treated poorly. Doberman ear cropping near me.
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It is not recommended that the ears be cropped after 9 weeks as the ears cartilage has formed to a flat shape. I don't necessarily believe you get what you pay for. Cropped ears are believed to be best for a breed’s trademark appearance to some owners. Some people feel it is cruel to make a puppy go through pain for appearance’s sake, while others believe ear cropping is important in preserving a breed’s trademark appearance.