Can You Be Forced To Care For Elderly Parent. You usually can't force help on anyone who doesn't want it, and that's the most important takeaway. Buku ini dijual terbatas, dapatkan sekarang juga.
If not, you will need to petition the court for conservatorship and/or guardianship. The best equipped to look after you. In a way i felt like i was forced to care for my very elderly parents being an only child, there was no one to pass the baton onto.
The answer for them of—can i refuse to care for an elderly parent?—was yes, because they became the ones who needed care.
Last year, china implemented a law requiring adult children to be emotionally supportive of their parents, including in the form of visits. The only way to do that is to obtain guardianship of that person. But you can show up more often, get in touch with your parent's neighbors and friends and ask. Other states don’t require an obligation from the children of older adults.